Creating a new AVR Assembly Project in AVR Studio 6

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This AVR tutorial will go through the steps to create an AVR Assembly project in AVR Studio 6. This tutorial assume that you have already install AVR Studio 6 or above on you computer

Step 1: To create an assembly project first start AVR Studio 6 by going to the start menu on your PC select Atmel AVR Tools then AVR Studio 6. See the splash screen for AVR Studio 6, as shown in the figure below, this indicates that AVR Studio 6 is starting up. Just wait for a moment.


After AVR Studio 6 starts the AVR Studio 6 Start Page will appear as shown in the figure below.


Step 2: Click on New Project pointed to by the green arrow in the diagram above to start a new project. The following window will appear.


Step 3: To start a new assembly project select assembly from the panel to the left pointed to by the box. Also type the fileName and Location pointed to by the green arrows at the bottom of the window. The following window will then appear.


Step 4: The window above is the device selection screen for AVR Studio 6. Scroll down and select the microcontroller you will be using. The following window will then appear.


This is the AVR studio 6 editor where you type your assembly program. The editor starts your assembly program for you by providing you with the structure shown in the editor of the figure above.


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