Feature Engineering Tutorial Series 4: Linear Model Assumptions

Linear models make the following assumptions over the independent variables X, used to predict Y: There is a linear relationship between X and the outcome Y The independent variables X are normally distributed There is no or little co-linearity among the independent variables Homoscedasticity (homogeneity of variance) Examples of linear Read more…

SpaCy – Introduction for NLP | Combining NLP Models and Custom rules

Combining NLP Models and Creation of Custom rules using SpaCy Objective: In this article, we are going to create some custom rules for our requirements and will add that to our pipeline like explanding named entities and identifying person’s organization name from a given text. For example: For example, the Read more…

Human Activity Recognition Using Accelerometer Data

Prediction of Human Activity In this project we are going to use accelometer data to train the model so that it can predict the human activity. We are going to use 2D Convolutional Neural Networks to build the model. source = “Deep Neural Network Example” by Nils Ackermann is licensed under Creative Commons CC Read more…

Multi-step-Time-series-predicting using RNN LSTM

Household Power Consumption Prediction using RNN-LSTM Power outage accidents will cause huge economic loss to the social economy. Therefore, it is very important to predict power consumption. Given the rise of smart electricity meters and the wide adoption of electricity generation technology like solar panels, there is a wealth of Read more…

Complete Seaborn Python Tutorial for Data Visualization in Python

Visualizing statistical relationships Seaborn is a Python data visualization library based on matplotlib. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics. Statistical analysis is a process of understanding how variables in a dataset relate to each other and how those relationships depend on other variables. Visualization Read more…

DistilBERT – Smaller, faster, cheaper, lighter and ofcourse Distilled!

Sentiment Classification Using DistilBERT Problem Statement We will use the IMDB Movie Reviews Dataset, where based on the given review we have to classify the sentiments of that particular review like positive or negative. The motivational BERT BERT became an essential ingredient of many NLP deep learning pipelines. It is considered Read more…