Feature Engineering Tutorial Series 4: Linear Model Assumptions

Linear models make the following assumptions over the independent variables X, used to predict Y: There is a linear relationship between X and the outcome Y The independent variables X are normally distributed There is no or little co-linearity among the independent variables Homoscedasticity (homogeneity of variance) Examples of linear Read more…

Feature Engineering Series Tutorial 3: Rare Labels

Labels that occur rarely Categorical variables are those whose values are selected from a group of categories, also called labels. Different labels appear in the dataset with different frequencies. Some categories appear more frequently in the dataset, whereas some other categories appear only in a few number of observations. For Read more…

Word Embedding and NLP with TF2.0 and Keras on Twitter Sentiment Data

Word Embedding and Sentiment Analysis What is Word Embedding? Natural Language Processing(NLP) refers to computer systems designed to understand human language. Human language, like English or Hindi consists of words and sentences, and NLP attempts to extract information from these sentences. Machine learning and deep learning algorithms only take numeric Read more…

Text Generation using Tensorflow, Keras and LSTM

Automatic Text Generation Automatic text generation is the generation of natural language texts by computer. It has applications in automatic documentation systems, automatic letter writing, automatic report generation, etc. In this project, we are going to generate words given a set of input words. We are going to train the Read more…

NLP Tutorial – Spam Text Message Classification using NLP

Spam Ham text classification Watch Full Video Here Objective Our objective of this code is to classify texts into two classes spam and ham. What is Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the field of Artificial Intelligence, where we analyse text using machine learning models Application of NLP Read more…

IMDB Review Sentiment Classification using RNN LSTM

Sentiment Classification in Python In this notebook we are going to implement a LSTM model to perform classification of reviews. We are going to perform binary classification i.e. we will classify the reviews as positive or negative according to the sentiment. Recurrent Neural Network Neural Networks are set of algorithms Read more…