SpaCy – Introduction for NLP | Combining NLP Models and Custom rules
Combining NLP Models and Creation of Custom rules using SpaCy
Objective: In this article, we are going to create some custom rules for our requirements and will add that to our pipeline like explanding named entities and identifying person's organization name from a given text.
For example: For example, the corpus spaCy’s English models were trained on defines a PERSON entity as just the person name, without titles like “Mr” or “Dr”. This makes sense because it makes it easier to resolve the entity type back to a knowledge base. But what if your application needs the full names, including the titles?
- Mr. Laxmi Kant
- Mr. Roshan Kumar Gupta

If a normal data analysis tool in Python for tabular and structured
data has Pandas
, then the data analysis tool in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for text and unstructured
data has spaCy

When you’re first starting out as a data scientist, chances are you’ll be dealing with structured data which doesn’t necessarily require spaCy to handle complicated text data, depending on your needs.
In most cases — Pandas will fit your usage as it’s powerful enough to do most of the data cleaning and analysis for structured data.
Once you start dealing with unstructured text data
— basically NLP stuff — where this can no longer be handled by Pandas
, this is when spaCy comes in with tons of in-built capabilities to process, analyze and even understand these data through sophisticated and efficient NLP techniques.
SpaCy provides a one-stop-shop for tasks commonly used in any NLP project, including:
- Tokenisation
- Lemmatisation
- Part-of-speech tagging
- Entity recognition
- Dependency parsing
- Sentence recognition
- Word-to-vector transformations And Many convenience methods for cleaning and normalising text
By the end of this article, I hope you’ll understand more about spaCy and how you could leverage this powerful tool in your domain space as well as other areas.
Let’s get started!
Additional Reading:
Language Processing Pipelines:
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics:
Watch Full Video Here:
You can combine statistical and rule-based components in a variety of ways. Rule-based components can be used to improve the accuracy of statistical models, by presetting tags, entities, or sentence boundaries for specific tokens. The statistical models will usually respect these preset annotations, which sometimes improves the accuracy of other decisions. You can also use rule-based components after a statistical model to correct common errors. Finally, rule-based components can reference the attributes set by statistical models, in order to implement more abstract logic.

Notebook Setup
Installing libraries
# !pip install -U spacy
# !pip install -U spacy-lookups-data
# !python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Importing libraries
import spacy from spacy.matcher import Matcher from spacy.tokens import Span from spacy import displacy
One of spaCy’s most interesting features is its language models. A language model is a statistical model that lets us perform NLP tasks such as POS-tagging and NER-tagging
Here, we are using spacy.load() method to load a model package by and return the NLP object.
#loading english language model nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
Next, we call nlp() on a string and spaCy tokenizes the text and creates a document object.
doc = nlp('Dr. Alex Smith chaired first board meeting at Google')
Dr. Alex Smith chaired first board meeting at Google
print([(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
[('Alex Smith', 'PERSON'), ('first', 'ORDINAL'), ('Google', 'ORG')]
Use of Name Entity Recognition
Now we are creating our rule
to add a title along with entity where entity label is PERSON
Below are the steps which we are peforming:
- Creating a function that will take input.
- Iterating over each word or token or doc, if any token is having entity label as PERSON and its starting position is not zero.
- Checking if the previous token is having values in ('Dr', 'Dr.', 'Mr', 'Mr.').
- Then using
we are creating a rule which will takePERSON
label from starting position of title till the end of the name. - And then assigning the value back to token entity values.
def add_title(doc): new_ents = [] for ent in doc.ents: if ent.label_ == 'PERSON' and ent.start!=0: prev_token = doc[ent.start-1] if prev_token.text in ('Dr', 'Dr.', 'Mr', 'Mr.'): new_ent = Span(doc, ent.start-1, ent.end, label=ent.label) new_ents.append(new_ent) else: new_ents.append(ent) doc.ents = new_ents return doc
#loading english language model nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') nlp.add_pipe(add_title, after='ner')
#here we call nlp() on a string and spaCy tokenizes the text and creates a document object. doc = nlp('Dr. Alex Smith chaired first board meeting at Google')
print([(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
[('Dr. Alex Smith', 'PERSON')]
Use of POS and Dep Parsing
Parts-of-speech tagging is the process of tagging words in textual input with their appropriate parts of speech and Dependency parsing refers to understanding the structure of a sentence via dependencies between words in a sentence. When a sentence is dependency parsed it would give us information about relationships between words in a sentence.
#loading english language model nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
#here we call nlp() on a string and spaCy tokenizes the text and creates a document object. doc = nlp('Alex Smith was working at Google')
Parsers break up a sentence into a subject and an object which is a noun phrase and a verb phrase. Dependency parser considers the verb as ahead of the sentence and all dependencies are built around it.
Example: Alex Smith was working at Google
displacy.render(doc, style='dep', options = {'compact':True, 'distance':100})

def get_person_orgs(doc): person_entities = [ent for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_=="PERSON"] for ent in person_entities: head = ent.root.head if head.lemma_ == 'work': preps = [token for token in head.children if token.dep_ == 'prep'] for prep in preps: orgs = [token for token in prep.children if token.ent_type_ == 'ORG'] print({'person': ent, 'orgs': orgs, 'past': head.tag_ == "VBD"}) return doc
from spacy.pipeline import merge_entities
#loading english language model nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
#here we call nlp() on a string and spaCy tokenizes the text and creates a document object. doc = nlp('Alex Smith worked at Google')
{'person': Alex Smith, 'orgs': [Google], 'past': True}
Modify model
def get_person_orgs(doc): person_entities = [ent for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_=="PERSON"] for ent in person_entities: head = ent.root.head if head.lemma_ == 'work': preps = [token for token in head.children if token.dep_ == 'prep'] for prep in preps: orgs = [token for token in prep.children if token.ent_type_ == 'ORG'] aux = [token for token in head.children if token.dep_ == 'aux'] past_aux = any(t.tag_ == 'VBD' for t in aux) past = head.tag_ == 'VBD' or head.tag_ == 'VBG' and past_aux print({'person': ent, 'orgs': orgs, 'past': past}) return doc
from spacy.pipeline import merge_entities
#loading english language model nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
#here we call nlp() on a string and spaCy tokenizes the text and creates a document object. doc = nlp('Alex Smith was working at Google')
{'person': Alex Smith, 'orgs': [Google], 'past': True}
In the above article :
1. We have created a rule in which we have included Title as well with entity classify as
as an example of name entity recognition.2. We have used
POS and Dependency Parsing
to create a rule to get a person's organization.